It's nice to know what we're eating. We know the ingredients in the dairy products we prepared. Since it is made for ourselves, we choose the best ingredients. It does not contain preservatives, artificial additives, artificial dyes. And best of all, we can be part of a great miracle! By extending our fingers, we become one with the "substance" and we can see the liquid milk transformed into cheese.
What tools do you need?

You might not think so, but our kitchen is full of cheese-making tools. Of course, there are some basic tools what worth to getting so that we can only use it for cheese making. I'm sure everyone's also experienced that the better our tools, easier our job.
Well, let's see what's most important:
- Kitchen thermometer, wich can measure up to at least 100 °C
- Cheese moulds. Here we have to think about how big and what shape we want to make our cheese. As a rule, from 10 liters of milk, it will be 1 kg of cheese. A pasta filter will do it in the beginning, but if you want a real cheese mould, take a look at us! There's a lot of different kinds, I think that's worth to investing in.
- A large pot (at least 10 liters)
- To cut the curd, a long, thin bladed knife that is about as high as your pot. If you want to cut the curd professionally, I recommend this cheese harp.
- Rennet. This is essential for cheese making! The rennet, is an enzyme that solids liquid milk within an hour.
Homemade cheeses can be a simple, fast or even months-long process, depending on the variety and ripening time. Even with little experience, it is easy to make yogurt and kefir or fresh cheese. With cheese culture, which is made up of a wide variety of bacteria, we can regulate the nature of the cheese. So it depends on what bacteria we put in it, our cheese can be stretched (mozzarella), or big holed (emmentals), or moldy (camembert) or etc.
The simple process of making cheese.

- The milk is heated to the right temperature.
- A rennet enzyme is added.
- The milk sleeps during a short clotting period. (liquid milk - flaking - solid curd)
- Cut the curd to the correct rugged size so that the whey can flow out of it. The fewer places you cut it, the less whey flows out of it, so it stays soft. And if we cut the curd in a lot of peaces, the more whey flows out, and we'll have a harder curd.
- When the correct amount of whey has already flowed out, the moulding is the next step.
- Acidification, rotation, pressing (if necessary)
- Salting
- Short ripening
On our recipe page you will find a wide variety of detailed recipes!
What kind of cheese should you start with?
The simplest basic cheese is goo (fresh, seasoned cheese) with relatively little equipment, it is easy to prepare and requires a short nerve to mature. After 4-5 days it can be consumed! :)
It is very easy to make yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cream cheese at home. You can learn these easily and quickly.
How much milk will it make? And how long?
Milk has a very high water content, so it takes a lot of milk for a little cheese too!
On average:
- 10 liters of milk will be made from 1-1.2 kg of fresh cheese, 4-5 days will be ripening time
- 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of yogurt will be made in 4 hours
- 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of kefir will be made in 24 hours
- 10 liters of milk, 1.3-1.5 kg of cottage cheese, 22-24 hours
- 10 liters of milk will be made from 1.3-1.5 kg of cream cheese, it will be prepared in 24 hours